Keep an open mind, that’s right, don’t knock it until you try it. Then when you try it, knock it. At least that’s what I do every time  I try to appendix carry. On paper appendix sounds great, but I just can’t get jiggy with appendix carry.

I know a few people who appendix carry and it baffles me. I think people who appendix carry are magicians. Where the hell does the gun go when you sit down. People who appendix carry are like human Kangaroos, when they sit down their Kangaroo pouch opens up and in goes the gun.

Anytime I sit down while I appendix carry the butt of  the gun tries to become a part of my large intestine and it’s simply unbearable. I try to shift it and move it around but I get nothing but pain. Some people have a problem having a gun pointed at their danger zone and I can understand that, but a good holster  quashes any concerns in that department.

While I am standing appendix carry is awesome! It’s monumentally easy to conceal handguns with appendix carry.      Now, lets be real here, you are not going to be able to appendix carry an HK MK23 , but any reasonably sized gun will simply dissappear while carrying appendix.

Ok, so it seems that my only gripe with appendix carry is the guns insatiable desire to explore my internals through my stomach. The thing is I never know when I am going to have to sit down and if I am carrying appendix style and I have to sit for some reason i’ll be royally screwed.

Obviously, the people who appendix carry don’t have this issue or they have a pain fetish. I still to this day don’t know how they do it, so ill just stick with my 3-4 o’clock carry until I evolve into a human kangaroo. To get a different perspective about appendix carry check out Brandon the human kangaroo’s  post about his experience with appendix carry.