“Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go around the corner, and I want you to act like you have a gun and I am an attacker coming to kill you. I’m going to come flying at you, and I want you to shoot me before I get to you.”

As I got up to walk around the corner, I could see the look of confusion and intrigue on the faces of everyone else in the room. At this point I’m smirking because I know what’s about to happen even though I’ve never done this before. I walk around the corner and quietly start counting to five. At five, I exploded around the corner yelling, “I am going to kill you!” However, before I could reach my friend, he shot me dead with his finger pistol.

The look on his face was priceless. The same guy who minutes ago, was going on and on about shooting people in the leg instead of the chest, was now pointing his finger pistol center mass in the middle of my chest. Feeling myself, I walked back to my seat, picked up my glass of whiskey, and asked, “What happened to shooting me in the leg?”