If a violent criminal is going to attempt to steal another person’s firearm, they must be very careful. If that other person is currently in possession of the desired weapon, that is an even more dangerous proposal.

That was apparently the case on Saturday in suburban Atlanta’s DeKalb County. Authorities there report a man is dead after attempting to wrestle a firearm away from its owner.

Law enforcement rushed to the scene of The Terraces at Snapfinger condominiums around 10 p.m. after receiving a call of a person being shot. Upon arrival, they discovered a 19-year-old man who suffered a gunshot wound.

He died at the scene.

Details are sketchy at this point, but police believe the confrontation grew out of an attempt to steal the weapon that was eventually discharged. Investigators determined the suspect struggled with his intended target over the firearm before the shot was fired.

As dangerous as any such situation is, when a person tries to take control of your weapon, it is perfectly reasonable to fear they will use it on you if they are successful.

Officials told reporters that they do not expect charges to be filed against the intended victim. Georgia is one of many states with a healthy respect for the fundamental right to self-defense. 

But even if it were not a Stand Your Ground haven, there is no obligation to attempt to retreat in a situation when the target is physically attacked. That person has every right to defend themselves from the criminal, using any force necessary and available.

Despite what anti-gunners loudly proclaim, the Second Amendment provides a powerful safety net in ensuring the right to protect oneself from violence. The DeKalb County gun owner on Saturday had every reason to believe he was about to become yet another victim, and he valiantly fought his attacker and lived to see another day.

That’s what the right to keep and bear arms is all about.