This is insane! I can’t wrap my head around this. This is no different than an gun free zone. A no gun policy in an apartment complex is asinine, way to paint a big X on the your complex for every criminal wanting a resistance free zone to commit their crimes. *Slow Clap* Just when you thought the anti-gun buffoonery was leveling off a little bit.

CASTLE ROCK – Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.


His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.


The 77-year-old retired US Marine Corps veteran sent a newstip to 9Wants to Know saying he’s afraid he’ll be homeless if he doesn’t comply.

The letter went out to residents on August 1 and says they have until October 1 to comply with updated “community policies.”


On page 2 is a brand new provision saying “firearms and weapons are prohibited.”


“It upsets me very much,” Dorsch said.

They may be a private company, but when you start dictating how people live and their safety, especially people who don’t have the resources to do anything about it, that is simply unacceptable.

My Good friend brandon over at Monderno provided some contact information to the management company.

If you’d like to try your hand at contacting Brooke or someone else from the Ross Management Group team to find out why they are violating the Second Amendment, their phone number is (303) 860-7885, or you can email them here. Please remember to be respectful. It’s not clear whether these new unconstitutional “community regulations” are coming from Ross Management Group, or Oakwood Apartments.