The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2013,” was proposed by U.S. Reps. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., and Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the excise tax and special occupational tax in respect of firearms and to increase the transfer tax on any other weapon, and for other purposes,” according to the bill’s preamble.

You can read it here:

Here we go again trying to raise taxes on firearms. This legislation would enforce a 20 percent tax on “(A) Pistols, (B) Revolvers, (C) Firearms (other than pistols and revolvers), and (D) Any lower frame or receiver for a firearm, whether for a semiautomatic pistol, rifle, or shotgun that is designed to accommodate interchangeable upper receivers.”

Also, the bill would enforce a 50 percent tax on “Shells and cartridges.”

The last part of the bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The amendment will be voted upon when the House returns for the new session in the fall.

What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence – Alan Gottlieb