I really wish I came up with the concept of Gun Culture 2.0 alluding to the new face of the gun community. To be frank, I hate the fact I did not write this article, but this article does a much better job then I ever could of explaining the new generation of gun owners.

I have been saying for some time now that the gun community is so much more diverse than anyone could have ever imagined and the  backwoods I hate everyone who don’t look like me  stereotype is quickly being overshadowed by smorgasbord of responsible, educated, passionate gun lovers.

The gun community is now a viable market and that comes with good and bad, but one thing is clear, the face of the gun community now looks like you and me and him and her. Guns became so taboo that now it’s cool, but one theme stays consistent throughout, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Give the Article a read and let me know what you think. Are we really Gun Culture 2.0?

The gun community has forever changed.  Once in a supposed slow decline, the popularity of shooting and gun ownership has come roaring back during the past couple of decades.  Sales of firearms are setting all kinds of records, and gun ranges are frequently packed with people.

Michael Bane calls the latest generation of gun owners “Gun Culture 2.0,” which I find to be an exceptionally apt description.  Much like the move from the “old” internet, to the current generation of interactive and social web sites was called “Web 2.0,” the Gun Culture 2.0 is a similarly remarkable change in our own community.

But the new generation of gun owners no longer fit the old-school sportsmen look of yesteryear.  The new generation of gun owners are fiercely independent, yet socially active – especially in the online space.  The new generation comes from urban centers as well as middle America.  New gun owners are of all genders, colors, creeds and social strata.  They are not Elmer Fudd.  Read Full Article

Hat Tip: Gloria Shytles