Louisiana gun owners as of July 1 will be able to more freely exercise their Second Amendment rights due to the state’s establishment of constitutional carry. But predictably, gun control extremists seek to harshly limit this freedom.

Through SB419, some lawmakers are attempting to establish “gun-free” zones in certain areas of the state — including the famous French Quarter in New Orleans. 

The bill specifically targets those carrying without a permit under the new state law. Proponents claim it will be enforced in high-risk areas and increase public safety, as though erasing the right to self-defense makes anyone safer.

The only way a law-abiding citizen could legally carry in the French Quarter or at a sporting event would be with a valid concealed carry permit.

SB419 is merely the latest pushback against expanded gun freedoms through such advancements as the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision and the proliferation of constitutional carry rights. 

The National Rifle Association (NRA) mobilized its membership to oppose this new gun control legislation.

The venerable organization noted that the measure leaves the public “with fewer options regarding their inherent right to self-defense. It aims to disarm those individuals while providing no solutions to address criminals who have no regard for existing laws.”

Opponents of the proposal note that it would result in a patchwork of areas where constitutional carry is suspended and lead to confusion for gun owners.

At the same time, it wholly ignores the very real threat of violent criminals and places the onus solely on the good people of the state and its millions of visitors.

This is not public safety, but merely more of the same from the gun control crowd. Good guys are forced to give up their constitutional rights while those who would prey on them are free to go about their business.

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