Roughly two weeks into October seemed a good time to peruse the compliance rate with the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA). The results thus far show that gun owners flatly rejected the mandate.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s (D) pet legislation banned the delivery, sale, import and purchase of so-called “assault weapons.” The law prohibits over 170 semiautomatic firearms, accessories and ammunition. Current owners are grandfathered in if they register their weapons with state police.

Failure to comply is a misdemeanor for the first offense and a felony for any thereafter. The compliance period began Oct. 1.

The law also prohibits the delivery, sale or purchase of so-called “large capacity” magazines holding more than 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for handguns. Magazines do not have to be registered.

Just how thorough is this civil disobedience?

The state’s own numbers show that just over 1,000 gun owners registered their weapons and accessories in the first week for compliance. Out of over 2.4 million Firearm Owner ID card holders. Mathematically, that’s four ten-thousandths of one percent. Numerically, it amounts to .0004%.

Total firearms disclosed added up to only 2,060. There were 1,125 .50 caliber ammunition registrations. And what are the results of the state’s draconian gun control measures?

For the record, Chicago paces the nation with now over 500 homicides so far in 2023.

The law itself is embroiled in legal challenges. Southern District of Illinois Federal Judge Stephen McGlynn was scheduled to hear arguments this week from attorney Thomas Maag. The plaintiff’s legal counsel was expected to assert the law violates the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.

The overall vagueness of the gun control statute is also at issue. 

Illinois gun owners are clearly not enthused over being forced to register their weapons, ammunition and accessories with the government. A state registry will be resisted at all levels, and the early numbers are glaring proof that lawmakers seriously miscalculated.