Gun rights opponents are consistent in their inconsistency. Most attempt to frame their position as compatible with a healthy respect for the Second Amendment and the nation’s fine tradition of hunting and sport shooting. 

The reality, however, is far different.

There is a deep hatred for gun rights among many, a wish to wipe this facet of American culture right out of existence. A perfect example is unsurprisingly out of California, where the state moved to ban firearms advertisements that may appeal to minors.

For example, depictions of youth being educated on gun safety or parents sharing the rich heritage of hunting with their children.

It was June of 2022 when the California Assembly passed AB-2571 and sent it to radical gun-grabbing Gov. Gavin Newsom, who immediately signed it. 

A lawsuit filed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), Safari Club International v. Bonta, immediately followed. The original language of the new law was modified to allow for gun safety advertisements, but that did not solve the obvious First Amendment issue the statue presented.

And now the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the state’s egregious overreach. It found the law likely prohibits commercial speech as protected by the First Amendment and remanded the case back to the trial court. 

California is not giving up its fight against its citizens’ civil rights quietly. The state asked for an extension for a rehearing in front of the full Ninth Circuit. After this request, the law was allowed to remain in effect while legislators proceed with their case against lawful advertising.

The Golden State and its radical anti-gun leadership is on a quest to eradicate gun rights entirely. It knows the Second Amendment stands in the way of an outright ban on all weapons, so it relentlessly works to legislate these liberties to death.

That’s why it is critically important for gun rights advocates to stand their ground and fight legislative overreach at every turn. Handing down the vibrant tradition of hunting and sport shooting to the next generation and the generation after that is a cause well worth fighting for.