The prevailing wisdom of anti-gunners must be to throw enough random laws against the wall and hope that something ultimately causes a reduction in criminal violence. That certainly appears to be the case in Pennsylvania, where the entire state must pay for the crimes wrought onto Philadelphia.

A pair of bills are before the state House Judiciary Committee this week that would do nothing to ramp up prosecution of those committing crimes.

One, HB 941, is sponsored by Rep. Darisha Parker of Philadelphia. It would create legal liability for gun owners who have their weapons stolen and then misused.

The second, HB 1629, was the brainchild of House Judiciary Chairman Tim Briggs of Montgomery County. If it becomes law, the legislation will mandate that gun owners must keep all weapons in their residence locked away.

The sad truth is that both measures could have been written by lawbreakers. Instead of imposing more criminal culpability on the actual thief and violent criminal, the first measure imposes liability on a law-abiding citizen who had their property stolen.

And keeping all weapons stashed away under lock and key? Likely in a safe? 

Homeowners in many instances might as well be unarmed if they must retrieve defensive weapons from a safe when confronted by a home invader. As seconds tick away, this measure does nothing but ensure that violent criminals gain the upper hand when they threaten the peace and tranquility of law-abiding citizens.

This week’s action on stolen weapons and lock requirements is just a rehash of measures that failed in the state legislature earlier in 2023. They deserve to fail again. 

The idea is to dictate to Pennsylvania citizens how to store their legally protected property in their own homes. Further, they will be held liable if lawbreakers steal their property and misuse it.

And nowhere in either bill is there a provision to force district attorneys to abide by the law and keep those who prey on the innocent off Pennsylvania streets. THAT would be progress, but that is not the goal.