The Glock 19 is my baby, even when i’m carrying a different gun my Glock 19 is somewhere around. I have as close a connection to my Glock 19 as a anyone can have to a combination of plastic and metal without living in a padded room with a best friend named Mr. Wilson who constantly gets his ass kicked.

Here’s the thing, as much as I love my Glock 19 I have a sick and twisted desire to see it knocked off its throne. The way I see it, the M&P series of handguns is in the perfect position to  do that but Smith & Wesson keeps trying to pass off that step child of a gun the M&Pc as their answer to the Glock 19.

Out of all the M&Ps my favorite is the 9c, but its not good enough. The biggest selling point of the 19 is its size. The 19 is small enough to conceal and big enough to fight with, its just right. The M&Pc size wise is small enough to conceal and arguably big enough to fight with, but its like buying a Porsche boxer. Dude, just get the Cayman and be done with it.

The M&Pc is Smith & Wesson’s passive aggressive attempt to compete with the Glock 19.  If you’re going to go at the king go right at him, don’t side step to try to give the appearance that you’re not competing. It’s like breaking up with Eva Longoria and trying to make her jealous by dating  Mila Kunis. It’s going to take the likes of Sofia Vergada to incite envy in Ms. Longoria.

Size wise, the M&Pc sits right between the Glock 19 and Glock 26, which wouldn’t be so bad if there was an M&P comprable to the 19. The M&Pc is like being on a health food diet, you like brown rice and grilled chicken breast but you keep looking at your  best friend inhaling his double cheese burger.

I said all that to say this, Smith & Wesson please just create an M&P 19.  I have faith that an M&P the size of the 19 with the trigger of the shield would make the 19 sit up and take notice if not scare the living shit out of it. I love my 19 but she needs to know that I can do better than her if she starts acting up. Right now my 19 has no competition, I need a Sofia Vergada to put my 19 in its place.

The day Smith & Wesson comes out with an M&P Glock 19 Killer im buying 3 of them. Just Cause.